How to Download and Install JDK 8 on Windows 10
If you are looking for a development environment for building applications using the Java programming language, you might want to consider JDK 8. In this article, we will explain what JDK 8 is, why you should use it, what are its main features and benefits, and how to download and install it on Windows 10. We will also show you how to compile and run a simple Java program using JDK 8.
What is JDK 8 and why use it?
JDK stands for Java Development Kit. It is a software package that contains everything you need to create, test, and run Java applications. It includes the Java compiler, the Java virtual machine, the Java class libraries, the JavaFX SDK, the Java debugger, and other tools.
download jdk 8
JDK 8 or Java SE 8 is a major feature release of the Java platform that was launched in March 2014. It introduced many new features and enhancements that make Java programming more expressive, concise, efficient, and fun. Some of the highlights of JDK 8 are:
Lambda expressions: A new syntax that allows you to write anonymous functions as arguments or data.
Method references: A shorthand way to refer to existing methods by name.
Functional interfaces: Interfaces that have only one abstract method and can be used with lambda expressions or method references.
Stream API: A new API that supports functional-style operations on collections and arrays, such as filtering, mapping, reducing, and parallelizing.
Default methods: A way to add new functionality to existing interfaces without breaking compatibility.
Date/Time API: A new API that provides a comprehensive and consistent model for date and time manipulation.
Nashorn JavaScript engine: A new engine that allows you to execute JavaScript code dynamically on the JVM.
These features make Java programming more powerful, elegant, and enjoyable. They also enable you to take advantage of modern, multicore processors and improve the performance of your applications. If you want to learn more about these features, you can check out our .
What are the compatibility and requirements of JDK 8?
JDK 8 is binary-compatible with JDK 7, which means that class files compiled with JDK 7 will run correctly on JDK 8. However, class files compiled with JDK 8 will not run on earlier versions of JDK. Therefore, if you want to use the new features of JDK 8, you need to install JDK 8 on your system.
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How to download and install JDK 8 on Windows 10
To download and install JDK 8 on Windows 10, you need to follow these steps:
Go to the and click on the JDK Download button under Java SE 8u301.
Accept the license agreement and choose the Windows x64 Installer for 64-bit systems or the Windows x86 Installer for 32-bit systems. The file name should be something like jdk-8u301-windows-x64.exe or jdk-8u301-windows-i586.exe.
Save the file to your preferred location and run it as an administrator. You will see a welcome screen like this:
Click Next to continue. You will see a screen where you can choose the installation directory for JDK 8. The default location is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_301. You can change it if you want, but make sure you have enough space on your disk.
Click Next to continue. You will see a screen where you can choose the installation directory for JRE 8. The default location is C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_301. You can change it if you want, but it is recommended to keep it as it is.
Click Next to continue. You will see a progress bar showing the installation process. It may take a few minutes depending on your system and internet speed.
When the installation is complete, you will see a confirmation screen like this:
Click Close to exit the installer.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed JDK 8 on your Windows 10 system. Now, you need to set some environment variables to make sure that your system can find and use JDK 8.
How to set environment variables for JDK 8
To set environment variables for JDK 8, you need to follow these steps:
Open the Control Panel and click on System and Security.
Click on System and then click on Advanced system settings on the left side.
You will see a System Properties window. Click on the Environment Variables button at the bottom.
You will see two lists of variables: User variables and System variables. Under User variables, click on New.
You will see a New User Variable window. Enter JAVA_HOME as the variable name and C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_301 as the variable value (or the location where you installed JDK 8). Click OK.
Under System variables, find the variable named Path and click on Edit.
You will see an Edit System Variable window. Click on New and enter %JAVA_HOME%\bin as the new value. Click OK.
Click OK again to close the Environment Variables window and then click OK again to close the System Properties window.
You have successfully set the environment variables for JDK 8. To verify that they are working, open a command prompt and type java -version. You should see something like this:
C:\Users\user>java -version java version "1.8.0_301" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_301-b09) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.301-b09, mixed mode)
If you see this output, it means that your system can recognize and use JDK 8.
How to compile and run a Java program using JDK 8
To compile and run a Java program using JDK 8, you need to follow these steps:
Create a text file with a .java extension and write your Java code in it. For example, create a file named and write your Java code in it. For example, create a file named and write the following code: public class HelloWorld public static void main(String[] args) System.out.println("Hello, world!");
This is a simple Java program that prints "Hello, world!" to the standard output.
Save the file in a folder of your choice. For example, save it in C:\Users\user\Documents\Java.
Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where you saved the file. For example, type cd C:\Users\user\Documents\Java and press Enter.
Type javac and press Enter. This will compile your Java code and create a class file named HelloWorld.class in the same folder.
Type java HelloWorld and press Enter. This will run your Java program and display the output on the screen. You should see something like this:
C:\Users\user\Documents\Java>javac C:\Users\user\Documents\Java>java HelloWorld Hello, world!
Congratulations! You have successfully compiled and run a Java program using JDK 8.
How to create a JAR file and add it to the classpath
A JAR (Java Archive) file is a compressed file that contains multiple Java class files and other resources. It is useful for packaging and distributing Java applications or libraries. To create a JAR file and add it to the classpath, you need to follow these steps:
Create a text file named manifest.txt and write the following line in it:
Main-Class: HelloWorld
This tells the JAR file which class contains the main method to execute when running the JAR file.
Save the file in the same folder where you saved the and HelloWorld.class files.
Type jar cvfm HelloWorld.jar manifest.txt *.class and press Enter. This will create a JAR file named HelloWorld.jar in the same folder.
Type java -jar HelloWorld.jar and press Enter. This will run your Java program from the JAR file and display the output on the screen. You should see the same output as before.
To add the JAR file to the classpath, you can use the -cp or -classpath option when running the java command. For example, type java -cp HelloWorld.jar HelloWorld and press Enter. This will run your Java program from the JAR file without using the manifest file.
You have successfully created a JAR file and added it to the classpath using JDK 8.
In this article, we have learned what JDK 8 is, why you should use it, what are its main features and benefits, and how to download and install it on Windows 10. We have also learned how to compile and run a simple Java program using JDK 8, how to create a JAR file and add it to the classpath, and how to use some of the new features of JDK 8 such as lambda expressions, method references, functional interfaces, stream API, default methods, date/time API, and Nashorn JavaScript engine.
JDK 8 is a powerful and versatile development environment for building applications using the Java programming language. It offers many advantages over previous versions of JDK such as improved performance, readability, modularity, concurrency, security, and compatibility. If you want to take your Java skills to the next level, you should definitely give JDK 8 a try.
To download JDK 8, you can visit . Happy coding!
What is the difference between JDK and JRE?
JDK stands for Java Development Kit. It is a software package that contains everything you need to create, test, and run Java applications. It includes the Java compiler, the Java virtual machine, the Java class libraries, the JavaFX SDK, the Java debugger, and other tools.
JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment. It is a software package that contains only what you need to run Java applications. It includes the Java virtual machine, the Java class libraries, and some other components.
If you only want to run Java applications, you only need JRE. If you want to develop Java applications, you need JDK.
How do I update JDK 8 to the latest version?
To update JDK 8 to the latest version, you need to follow these steps:
Go to the and click on the JDK Download button under the latest version of Java SE 8. For example, Java SE 8u311.
Accept the license agreement and choose the Windows x64 Installer for 64-bit systems or the Windows x86 Installer for 32-bit systems. The file name should be something like jdk-8u311-windows-x64.exe or jdk-8u311-windows-i586.exe.
Save the file to your preferred location and run it as an administrator. You will see a welcome screen like this:
Click Next to continue. You will see a screen where you can choose the installation directory for JDK 8. The default location is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_311. You can change it if you want, but make sure you have enough space on your disk.
Click Next to continue. You will see a screen where you can choose the installation directory for JRE 8. The default location is C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_311. You can change it if you want, but it is recommended to keep it as it is.
Click Next to continue. You will see a progress bar showing the installation process. It may take a few minutes depending on your system and internet speed.
When the installation is complete, you will see a confirmation screen like this:
Click Close to exit the installer.
You have successfully updated JDK 8 to the latest version on your Windows 10 system.
How do I uninstall JDK 8 from my Windows 10 system?
To uninstall JDK 8 from your Windows 10 system, you need to follow these steps:
Open the Control Panel and click on Programs and Features.
Find Java SE Development Kit 8 Update xxx (where xxx is the update number) and click on Uninstall.
You will see a confirmation dialog box like this:
Click Yes to proceed with the uninstallation.
You will see a progress bar showing the uninstallation process. It may take a few minutes depending on your system and internet speed.
When the uninstallation is complete, you will see a confirmation screen like this:
Click OK to exit the uninstaller.
You have successfully uninstalled JDK 8 from your Windows 10 system.
What are some alternatives to JDK 8?
If you are looking for some alternatives to JDK 8, you might want to consider these options:
JDK 11: This is the latest long-term support (LTS) release of the Java platform that was launched in September 2018. It offers many new features and improvements over JDK 8, such as modularization, local variable type inference, HTTP/2 client, lambda parameter names, dynamic class-file constants, and more. However, it also removes some features and APIs that were deprecated in JDK 8, such as JavaFX, Java EE modules, CORBA modules, Nashorn JavaScript engine, and more. Therefore, if you want to use JDK 11, you need to make sure that your applications are compatible with it.
JDK 17: This is the latest feature release of the Java platform that was launched in September 2021. It offers many new features and improvements over JDK 11, such as sealed classes and improvements over JDK 11, such as sealed classes, pattern matching for instanceof, text blocks, records, switch expressions, and more. However, it also removes some features and APIs that were deprecated in JDK 11, such as the Security Manager, the RMI Activation mechanism, the Applet API, and more. Therefore, if you want to use JDK 17, you need to make sure that your applications are compatible with it.
OpenJDK: This is the open source implementation of the Java platform that is developed by a community of developers and organizations. It is the reference implementation of the Java SE specification and the basis for Oracle's JDK. It offers the same features and functionality as Oracle's JDK, but it is free and open source. However, it may not have the same level of support and security updates as Oracle's JDK. Therefore, if you want to use OpenJDK, you need to make sure that you choose a reliable and reputable distribution.
GraalVM: This is a high-performance polyglot virtual machine that supports multiple languages and platforms. It can run Java applications faster and with less memory consumption than the standard JVM. It can also compile Java applications to native executables that can run without a JVM. Moreover, it can interoperate with other languages such as JavaScript, Python, Ruby, R, and more. Therefore, if you want to use GraalVM, you need to make sure that your applications are compatible with it.
These are some of the alternatives to JDK 8 that you might want to consider. However, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you need to weigh them carefully before making a decision.
How do I switch between different versions of JDK on my Windows 10 system?
If you have multiple versions of JDK installed on your Windows 10 system, you might want to switch between them depending on your needs. To switch between different versions of JDK on your Windows 10 system, you need to follow these steps:
Open the Control Panel and click on System and Security.
Click on System and then click on Advanced system settings on the left side.
You will see a System Properties window. Click on the Environment Variables button at the bottom.
You will see two lists of variables: User variables and System variables. Under User variables, find the variable named JAVA_HOME and click on Edit.
You will see an Edit User Variable window. Change the variable value to the installation directory of the JDK version that you want to use. For example, if you want to use JDK 11, change it to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.12. Click OK.
Under System variables, find the variable named Path and click on Edit.
You will see an Edit System Variable window. Find the value that contains %JAVA_HOME%\bin and move it to the top of the list using the Move Up button. This will give priority to the JDK version that you want to use over other versions. Click OK.
Click OK again to close the Environment Variables window and then click OK again to close the System Properties window.
You have successfully switched between different versions of JDK on your Windows 10 system. To verify that it is working, open a command prompt and type java -version. You should see something like this:
C:\Users\user>java -version java version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20 LTS Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.12+8-LTS-237) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.12+8-LTS-237, mixed mode)
If you see this output, it means that your system is using JDK 11. 44f88ac181